Monday, April 11, 2011

Farewell To Edge.

For those of you who missed it, Edge announced his retirement this Monday night on Raw. Allegedly he has some serious neck issues, that are causing numbness in his arms. Now, I'm sure you'll see a lot of reports saying they're sad to see Edge go. This is not one of those reports! The only time I liked Edge was when he was paired with Christian. I always felf(and still do!) that Christian was the more talented of the 2. It was clear once they split them up, WWE officials had much bigger plans for Edge, than they did Christian. On Edge's initial push, he was given feuds with top tier talent like Kurt Angle, Eddy Guerrero, Chris Benoit, etc. All of which I felt were in a league above him. I felt that they were really forcing him into a top face spot, when they had far more deserving talent being held down. Once they turned him heel, and paired him with Lita, I started being able to handle him a little better. Character wise, I thought was a much more natural fit. I think he's more of a natural dick head, and with the real life love triangle btween him, Matt Hardy, and Lita it really made him easy to dislike.  I would consider this run Edge's golden years. I think his hardcore match with Mick Foley at Wrestlemania 22 was the pinicle of his career. He also had a classic match against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 24. In recent years though, Edge has worked primarely as a face. I find him boring, and unnatural as a face, and that's why I'm not sad to see him go. The fact that the guy is an 11 time World Champion is a joke! He had 11 title runs in less than 5 years! I think that is completely ridiculous! I think his legacy will be a string of meaningless, short title reigns. Edge had his moments, but I for one am ready to see him go. I would like to see a few other long tenured guys follow his lead, such as, Kane, Mark Henry, and even The Undertaker.

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