Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sharp Shootin Raw Review - 09/27/10

Opening Match : The Miz & Alex Riley vs Daniel Bryan & John Morrison
*If Jericho wern't in the main event I could just turn the show off after this match! Pretty much everyone I'm interested in on this show is in this match.*
The show opens with Miz & Riley on their way to the ring, mic in hand. Miz carves up Bryan on the mic. He gets interupted in the middle of his catch phrase by.......the Appocolypse Now theme? Apparently that's Bryan's new music. Miz starts ripping into Bryan again, and goes for his catch phrase again, and is interupted for a second time. This time by John Morrison.
Bryan and Riley start the match for their teams(Riley has A-RY printed on his boots now. Classic!).  Morrison tags in, and Michael Cole talks about his "Spiderman like training". The Miz tags in, and take control of the match. Hot tag to DB, and he cleans house. Bryan goes for the Labell Lock, but Miz counters, and throws him into Morrison. Bryan turns around, right into the Skull Crushing Finale. 1-2-3!
Winner: The Miz & Alex Riley
*Match Rating: CCC(out of 5)
Post match: The Miz starts a post match beat down on Bryan. Morrison comes to Bryan's rescue, and attacks the Miz. Miz and Morrison are now battling on the outside, when Bryan does a suicide dive on to both. This prompts the old THREE WAY BRAWL! We then get an email from the GM(of all the tired story lines going on right now, this one takes the cake!), saying at Hell In A Cell, it'll  be Bryan vs Miz vs Morrison for the US Tittle. It will also be supmissions count anywhere(Lame stipulation, but should be a great match).
As we go to break, a collection of divas are shown, and Cole anounces we'll have a diva battle royal to determain a #1 contender for the Divas Tittle next. Oh boy!

Comercial Break #1

Match #2 - Divas Battle Royal to be #1 Contender for the Divas Title.
Laycool is out for guest commentary.
* It's so weird that they kept the butterfly belt when they unified the woman's belts. It's hitious!*
First eliminated is Melina..........oh hell, just wake me when it's over!
Hey Natalya won!!
Winner: Natalya
*Match Rating: They get 0 C's but I'm happy Natalya got the win. It's a crazy concept I know, but they're actually pushing the only woman on the roster that can wrestle!

Plug for Cena's next blockbuster is up next. Can't to see that one in a bin at Walmart for $5 in a couple of months!

Comercial Break #2

We're back from break, and in Ted Dibease's locker room with Ted, and Maryse. I must point out that these two have absolutely no chemistry! They're as believable as Nicholas Cage and Angelina Jolie in Gone In 60 Seconds!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buy9CjRqMjY
Apparently Dibease has a secret admirer, and he get's a letter from her/him that he will be their's next week!(I cann't wait to see where this one's headed!)

Shemus comes out to the ring with a mic in hand. He issues an open challenge as we go to commercial.

Commercial Break #3

Match #3 - Shemus vs The Great Khali
I'm not betting on a 5 C classic here. They start out brawling(shock), and eventually spill outside the ring. Shemus snaps, and starts beating Khali with the anoucers chairs getting himself disqualified. After a couple boots to the head, he leaves Khali laid out.
*Match Rating: 0C's again. Short match with no actual wrestling. Horrible!

Commercial Break #4
P.S. How 'bout that Renee Pauqette? Hot Damn!

Back from break, and Edge is on his way to the ring for "The Cutting Edge". Apparently he is gonna unveil the annonomous GM. They have a lap top on a podium, with a microphone. When Edge asks it questions, it answers with a short circuit(I am not making this crap up!)
This all leads to the GM announcing Edge's apponent for this evening......John Cena! And it's next!

Commercial Break #5

Match #4 - John Cena vs Edge
We're back from break as these two are locking up. Eventually Edge takes control, and kicks Cena to the outside. Edge beats on Cena outside the ring. Cena goes shoulder first into the stairs. Edge rolls Cena into the ring for a 2 count. Edge controlls for several minutes, countering any comeback Cena tries. Cena has a brief comeback, but Edge hits a spear out of nowhere!! 1-2-3!(Cena's foot is clearly under the bottom rope)
Winner: Edge
Wait a minute.....We get an email R2D2 the talking computor. He tells Edgeward to play by the rules! he restarts the match. Edge pulls his hair back!
The match continues, as Edge pounds on Cena. Edge goes for the spear again, but this time Cena counters with a drop toehold, and into the STF! Edge taps out.
Winner: Cena
*Match Rating: CC
All the crap with the GM kinda took any life this match would have had. It's a decent TV match, but just too much crap to get through to go along with it.
Post Match: Edge has his crazy look on and walks over to the Skynet 5000, GM model. He pretends like he's not gonna smash it, but then........HE DOES SMASH IT!! Edge is the most natural of an actor as I've seen in the wrestling business since Steve "Mongo" McMichael.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CC33qN-uh4

Commercial Break #6

Match #5 - Nexus(Heath Slater & Justin Gabrial) vs Mark Henry & Evan Bourne
I'm pretty tired of Nexus. I hope this angle is done soon! Nexus control early, until Bourne makes the hot tag to Henry. Henry cleans house, and sets Bourne up for Shooting star on Gabrial. Slater comes in and breaks it up putting Bourne on the mat, and Gabrial goes for the 450 splash, He misses! Bourne goes back up top and nails Air Bourne on Gabrial. 1-2-Slater interupts and reverses the pin. 1-2-3.
Winner: Nexus
*Match rating: CC
Pretty good match, but it would be better if it was just Bourne vs Gabrial. Like I said before, I'm just hoping this Nexus crap is over soon,
Post Match: Henry gets beat down on the outside by Nexus. They then turn their attention to Bourne in the ring. They hit all their finishers, then grabbed a mic(oh boy). They announce they're going to be on Smackdown this Friday night(shit!).
We see the new tag team champions, "Dashing" Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre, walking in the back. The King announces they will face the Hart Dynasty next. Nice!

Commercial Break #7

Match #6 - Hart Dynasty vs Rhodes/McIntyre
* I love Rhodes's new entrance. Very old school!*
Rhodes starts off against Tyson Kidd. Fast paced off the top. Back and forth until Rhodes takes control, and tags in McIntyre. They work Kidd over, until he makes the hot tag to DH Smith. He cleans house until he gets a 2 count on Rhodes.  McIntyre breaks up the count, and Smith tosses him to the outside. The Hart Dyanasty go for the Hart Attack, but McIntyre breaks it up from the outside. After the distraction, Rhodes is able to hit Crossroads on Smith. Pin, 1-2-3.
Winner: Rhodes/McIntyre
*Match Rating: CCC
Good match. If they build a tag team division around these two teams, I'd be very happy. I'm not gonna get my hopes up though. Tag team wrestling in the WWE is.....Dead and Gonehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj-nDmXHmng
Post Match: The champs pose with the weird looking new belts(I'm not sure how I feel about them yet). David Hart Smith blames Tyson Kidd for their loss. They argue, and eventually Smith walks off. I smell a heal turn.....
Up next, Orton vs Jericho.

Commercial Break #8

Backstage segment featuring John Cena, and R-Truth is up next as we come back. They use the word "Crunk" about 17 times, and announce that Cena will be on Smackdown on friday aswell.

Match #7 - Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton
Jericho comes out first with a mic. He says he's gonna beat Orton, and become the #1 conntender for the World Tittle. He starts naming everybody he's beat(who is he, HHH?). Steve Austin, Rock, HBK, The Undertaker, twice might I add........and we go to commercial.

Commercial Break #9
........Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Dean Malenko, etc. This was like the Jericho of old! He even screwed a few names up! Orton cuts him off and makes his way to the ring. They start out brawling, and eventually Orton takes control. Jerich briefly battles back, but Orton dumps Jericho outside the ring. Jericho reverses Orton, and throws him into the ring steps as we go to break.

Commercial break #10

We come back, and Orton is in control in the ring. Shemus is shown at the top of the ramp. He distracts Orton, and Jericho takes control. They battle back and forth until Shemus tries to interfere, but Orton hits his between the ropes DDT.
Winner: Randy Orton by DQ.
Post Match: Orton lines up Shemus for the field goal kick to the head, but Jericho hits the Codebreaker on Orton. Jericho then goes for a chair. He tries to hit Orton with the chair, but Orton avoids it, and hits the RKO!  Orton then lines Jericho up for the punt, and nails him! As Shemus came to, he realizes that Orton is crazy! Jericho gets taken out on a stretcher.

The End

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